The UK’s national charity for working parents and carers, Working Families, has announced that North East London NHS Foundation Trust (NELFT) has been awarded a place on its prestigious and competitive list of the top family-friendly and flexible employers.
Read NELFT named as a Top Ten Employer for Working Families 2024…NELFT is proud to announce that the preceptorship team have been awarded the CapitalAHP Preceptorship Recognition Award 2024-25.
Read NELFT receives the CapitalAHP Preceptorship Recognition Award 2024-25…NELFT is proud to announce that the Pharmacy Operational Dashboard has been Highly Commended in the 'Improving Medicines Management and Pharmacy through Digital' at the HSJ Digital Awards 2024, recognising excellence in digitising, connecting, and transforming health and care.
Read NELFT highly commended at HSJ Digital Awards 2024…We are delighted to announce that Harjit Bansal, Cherrise Chand and Cathrine Lund of the Equality Diversity & Inclusion (ED&I) team have won a prestigious award for their "Building Community Capacity" project.
Read NELFT's Equality, Diversity & Inclusion team win Equity Projects in Progress Award…NELFT’s Communications and Engagement team were awarded the Corporate Services at the National Unsung Hero Awards 2024.
Read NELFT Communications team win Corporate Service Award at Unsung Hero Awards…