North London Forensic Collaborative wins Excellence in Mental Healthcare NHS Parliamentary Award | Awards & accreditations

North London Forensic Collaborative wins Excellence in Mental Healthcare NHS Parliamentary Award | Awards & accreditations

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North London Forensic Collaborative wins Excellence in Mental Healthcare NHS Parliamentary Award

North London Forensic Collaborative

The North London Forensic Collaborative won the Excellence in Mental Health Care Award at this year’s NHS Parliamentary Awards. 

The NHS Parliamentary awards recognise the outstanding contribution of staff, volunteers and others working in the health and care sector. They also provide an opportunity for health and care organisations to engage with their local MPs, tell them about the work they do, and build and strengthen their relationships. 

The Collaborative provides adult secure care for people with varying mental health disorders, including learning disability and autism, across North London. Many of the inpatients come via the criminal justice system to be placed in secure forensic hospitals and then cared for in the community.  

The Collaborative is comprised of: 

  • North London Mental Health Partnership
  • North East London NHS Foundation Trust (NELFT)
  • East London NHS Foundation Trust (ELFT)
  • West London NHS Trust
  • Central North West London NHS Foundation Trust 

The team was singled out by the judges for the work it does in partnership with people who use forensic services, their family, friends and carers. Their views and needs shape the way the Collaborative plan, deliver and review services ensuring they improve the experience, quality and bring care closer to home. 

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