NELFT initiatives finalists at HSJ Awards | Awards & accreditations

NELFT initiatives finalists at HSJ Awards | Awards & accreditations

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NELFT initiatives finalists at HSJ Awards

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Two NELFT initiatives have been nominated f or the 2024 HSJ Awards, the UK’s most esteemed healthcare accolades w hich recog nise outstanding service delivery, innovation, and best practice in the healthcare sector.  

The Corringham Integrated Medical and Wellbeing Centre in Thurrock is a finalist for the Place-Based Partnership and Integrated Care Award. T hurrock’s first neighbourhood health and wellbeing hub brings together services from health, housing, mental health, social care, and the local voluntary sector , integrating collaborative working to improve outcomes for local residents .  

NELFT is also a partner in the North East London Mental Health, Learning Disability, and Autism Collaborative, which is a finalist in the Provider Collaborative of the Year Award. This collaboration includes NHS providers, local authorities, the Integrated Care Board, and primary care teams, with the active involvement of service users and carers. Together, the y are transforming services for people with mental health issues, learning disabilities, and autism across North East London, ensuring that service users are at the heart of decision making and driving improvements.  

NELFT Havering Adult Speech and Language Team and the Havering Place based Partnership’s project ‘One Voice’ has also been shortlisted for the Primary and Community Care Innovation of the Year award. The project, One Voice, grew out of the pandemic when outpatient departments were closed and the adult speech therapy team were required to find an alternative way to provide care to people after a laryngectomy – a small, but very vulnerable group. The team established what they believe is the UK’s first comprehensive, domiciliary service for people after a laryngectomy. 

The winners will be announced at the awards ceremony taking place in London on the 21 November 2024.  

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