Finance colleague named Rising Star at HFMA 2024 national awards | Awards & accreditations

Finance colleague named Rising Star at HFMA 2024 national awards | Awards & accreditations

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Finance colleague named Rising Star at HFMA 2024 national awards

Images of two people smiling at the camera, holding and award in front of a screen.

Sofiya Khan-Ringshaw, NELFT costing analyst, has won the Rising Star Award at the Healthcare Financial Management Association (HFMA) 2024 national awards in London last week.

The HFMA is the professional body for finance staff working in healthcare.

The awards ceremony, celebrating the achievements and commitment of the national healthcare community, took place at the HFMA Annual Conference last week.

Sofiya, won the inaugural Rising Star award for her contributions to student and staff development, innovative use of automation in NHS finance, and her tireless mentorship and leadership within her Trust and the wider London region.

Sofiya said:

“I want to make a difference to people, so it was lovely that my colleagues had seen what I’d done, seen the outcomes, and wanted to recognise that.”

Mark Knight, chief executive of the HFMA, said:

“The HFMA awards recognise and reward all the amazing work that individuals, finance teams, and organisations do to improve services for patients every single day. Throughout the years, the awards have grown to reflect the changing nature of the finance function, but they remain at their core a celebration of all that is great about NHS finance.

“In 2024, we had 135 nominations, the highest number of we have ever received. The standard of each of these entries was phenomenal, and the decision-making process to choose the winners was extremely tough. Each of our thirteen winners should be deservedly proud of their achievements and to add their name to our rollcall of award winners from across the years.”

Sofiya, also won the Rising Star Award at the HFMA London Annual Regional Awards in 2023. 

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