The Acute Respiratory Infections (ARI) Virtual Ward provides advanced care for patients across the BHR boroughs of London for up to 14 days. Our team supports patients with various long-term respiratory conditions on early supported discharge pathway and we support oxygen weaning in community. We also care for patients with COPD experiencing infective or non-infective exacerbations on admission avoidance pathways, allowing recovery in the comfort of their homes. We cover all the above-mentioned pathways with our 25 bed capacity.
Increasing demand combined with less funding is creating a number of challenges for the NHS and as a result, the use of digital innovations has surged. The Access Group and North-East London NHS Foundation Trust are developing new integrated approaches to healthcare including a Virtual Ward programme, which aims to deliver better outcomes for patients, clinicians and communities.
Service lead: Mangalaram Sadhasivam – AHP Consultant and Respiratory Professional Lead
Tel: 0300 300 1881
Email: BHRrespVW@nelft.nhs.uk
We accept referrals for patients requiring supported discharge, oxygen weaning, or COPD admission avoidance care. This service is open to patients aged 18 and over, recovering from acute respiratory infections and long-term respiratory conditions.
Download/view the criteria information: ARI VW information leaflet for referrers Oct 2024.pdf [pdf] 170KB
Download/view our Early Supported Discharge leaflet: Acute Respiratory Infection Virtual Ward Early Supported Discharge Leaflet (2).pdf [pdf] 4MB