When staff join NELFT they are automatically registered as members of the trust and can take part in staff governor elections and contact their staff representative with their views.
To contact the governor for your constituency, please contact us on 0300 555 1200 ext 54606 or via corporate.affairs@nelft.nhs.uk who will pass your message to your representative.
Barking and Dagenham - Lead Governor and Staff Governor
Many of you may already know me or know of me as a union representative and staff side secretary. As a staff governor I will serve interests and act as a voice within the trust for staff to shape future service planning with staff at the centre, planning these services.
The NHS long term plan and Covid-19 pandemic brings some very acute and long term challenges as well as opportunities, that we must grasp and rise to the challenge. The Covid-19 pandemic highlighted that the most important asset of the NHS is our staff, and why we must nurture, support and embed a compassionate working environment as we take this journey together. I am only too aware off the most admirable and outstanding work my colleagues have done during the most challenging time of the NHS’s history.
With the new Integrated care system now taking shape we need more than ever a strong voice for staff to relay the message to the trust board, that whilst staff are always keen to work in ways which are innovative and evidence based, but will always voice concerns where change appears simply to meet financial challenges. I want to ensure that the interest of the most important people within the organisation i.e. the staff is always on top of the agenda for the trust board. Any decisions that will have an adverse impact on staff will be vociferously defended. Thank you for voting me with your trust and confidence. I will guard this trust with care.