The role of the Governor

Our Council of Governors work with NELFT to support its continued development as a foundation trust.

The governors represent the views of our members and help shape and endorse NELFT’s future strategies. They do not have any influence over the day to day running of the trust but do take part in a range of statutory duties that enable us to operate in line with NHS values and regulations as set out by Monitor, the Independent Regulator for NHS Foundation Trusts.

The Council is made up of elected public and staff governors, and appointed governors from local partner organisations.

For more information about the governors at NELFT, please click the options in the menu to the left.

If you would like to contact our Council of Governors, please email:

Click here to see our register of interests.

Council of Governors

The Council of Governors collectively ensures that NELFT hears the views of, and is accountable to, patients, carers, staff and communities. Governors provide a vital link between local populations and the Board of Directors by representing the members in their constituency, allowing them to influence service development to ensure that it meets their needs.

The composition of the Council of Governors is:

  • 17 public governors
  • 8 staff governors
  • 7 appointed governors

Public Governors are elected by members of the communities we serve while Staff Governors are elected by the Trust Staff. Appointed Governors are nominated by the local authorities . Together the council of Governors brings valuable insight to the Trust.

The role of the Council of Governors

The general duties of the Council of Governors are:

  • to hold the non-executive directors individually and collectively to account for the performance of the Board of Directors.
  • to represent the interests of the members of the trust as a whole and the interests of the public.

Other statutory duties of the governors are to: 

    • Decide the remuneration and allowances and other terms and conditions of office of the Chair and the other Non-Executive Directors;
    • Receive the NHS Foundation Trust’s Annual Accounts, any report of the auditor on them, and the Annual Report at a general meeting of the Council of Governors;
    • Approve amendments to the Trust’s Constitution, following consultation with the Board of Directors;
    • Approve and if appropriate, remove the chair and other Non-Executive Directors
    • Approve (or not) any new appointment of a Chief Executive on recommendation from the Chair and Non-Executive Directors;
    • Appoint and, if appropriate, remove the NHS Foundation Trust’s Auditor;
    • Approve an application by the Trust to enter into a merger, acquisition, separation or dissolution;
    • Decide whether the Trust’s non-NHS work would significantly interfere with its principal purpose, which is to provide goods and services for the health service in England, or performing its other functions;
    • Approve significant transactions in line with the Trust’s Constitution.

The Council operates collectively and has meetings that are open for members of the public to observe. Meetings of the Council are chaired by the Trust Chair. In order to fulfil its duties, the Council of Governors has four formal meetings a year. Governors are also invited to attend various Governor Development and Information Forums a year.