NELFT Trust Board

NELFT NHS Foundation Trust Board of Directors is responsible for the overall strategic direction of Trust and ensures that NELFT continues to achieve its strategic objectives while upholding the Trust’s values. The Trust Board, led by the Chair comprises of executive and non-executive directors.

The executive directors are senior full-time employees of the Trust and they are responsible for the day-to-day running of the Trust. The non-executive directors have a wide range of skill, expertise and experiences and together with the executive directors ensure a robust consideration of the Trust’s performance.   

Our Chair is Eileen Taylor who is a non-executive director serving as the joint Chair of NELFT and East London NHS Foundation Trust.

The Chief Executive Officer is Paul Calaminus.

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Zaeem Haq

Zaeem Haq

Non-executive director

Zaeem is an international health expert and currently Global Director of Medical Services at Save the Children International, providing strategic leadership and governance oversight on clinical and pharmacy services to 30 countries. He established and co-chaired a Quality of Care working group with UNICEF and USAID.

Apart from several advisory roles within Save the Children, Zaeem held non-executive roles as Technical Advisory Board Member for the Children’s Investment Fund Foundation, Trustee for the British Refugee Council and as Associate Non-Executive Director for the Norfolk Community Health & Care Trust.