We encourage patients, staff, and members of the public to observe our Public Board of Directors meetings. Board meetings are held every other month (bi-monthly) in venues across the communities we serve.
You can view and download a copy of our Board meeting papers below.
If you would like copies of any previous meeting papers not shown below, or if you would like to recieve them in any other format, please email corporate.affairs@nelft.nhs.uk
For a glossary of commonly used acronyms in our documents, download a copy below:
NELFT Combined glossary of Acronyms v1.0 04122024.docx [docx] 106KB
Board of Directors In Public Combined Papers 24.01.2023.pdf [pdf] 4MB
Combined papers for the Board of Directors meeting in Public - 28 March 2023.pdf [pdf] 9MB
Item 16.0 Integrated Performance Report March 2023.pptx [pptx] 6MB
Combined papers for public Board meeting 23 May 2023.pdf [pdf] 18MB
FT Licence Conditions Annual Self-Certification and Governor Training Statement.pdf [pdf] 260KB
Papers for the Board of Directors in Public on 25 July 2023.pdf [pdf] 13MB
Combined Public Board of Directors papers 26 September 2023 v2.pdf [pdf] 9MB
Combined public board papers - 28 November 2023 v2.pdf [pdf] 8MB