To contact the governor for your constituency, please contact us on 0300 555 1200 ext 54606 or via corporate.affairs@nelft.nhs.uk who will pass your message to your representative.
The NHS is an integral part of the British way of life and the envy of the world, and I firmly believe that it is imperative that the NHS service is protected for all, both in the present and the future. Therefore, I have a genuine interest in the North East London Foundation Trust (NELFT) NHS Foundation Trust and a firm believer in the service NELFT provides and delivers to the community.
NELFT as I know have always had a good reputation amongst other NHS Trust in England and I cherish the excellent work they do in our community. Therefore, my interest to stand as a Public Governor is to help ensure that the Trust continues to provide excellent health and social care services to the community and beyond. As a father, and healthcare professional I feel I have the knowledge and understanding to contribute to the wellbeing of our NELFT hospitals. I indeed have realised the NHS as we may know today has to go through a change if it is to serve our community better in the years to come, whilst continuing to be free at the point of need for all. However, it is important to acknowledge that any changes to this effect must be introduced in a careful, responsible and sensitive way, in order to benefit patients and staff respectively. Indeed, I am ready to bring to the table my knowledge and reasonable experience within my educational background which includes a degree in Health Promotion & Public Health, a postgraduate degree in Environmental Health, and a Level 5 Diploma in Education and Training to help serve our community better.
Also, I have served as a volunteer mentor which include working with families on healthy eating, served as a course representative during my academic studies. I believe with quality and transferable skills acquired including my experience as a health care professional will be a valuable asset to NELFT organisation helping and supporting our community to continue to strive against any fate. In addition, I do appreciate the complexities of individual’s and people’s requirements. If appointed, I would perform my role with energy, enthusiasm, and integrity.