All eligible NELFT members may stand for election to the Council. When an election is planned it will be announced on the NELFT website and in other media. Members will be also contacted directly either by email or post when there is an election happening in their constituency.
At the start of the election process, members will be given the opportunity to nominate themselves as a governor by completing a nomination statement. This information is then sent to members in your area who will vote for their preferred candidate. Elections typically take place every three years. Civica currently provide independent election services for NELFT and help us ensure elections are run in line with Monitor (independent regulator of Foundation Trusts) guidelines.
You do not need any previous experience to stand as a governor, although a passion for the NHS, a keenness to engage with your local community and the time to take part in Council of Governor meetings is a good starting point. All governors are provided with training and ongoing support in their role and can approach the membership team and the trust secretary whenever they need guidance about their role.
If you would like to find out more about becoming a governor at NELFT, including when the next elections are planned for your area, please contact the membership office on corporate.affairs@nelft.nhs.uk or on 0300 555 1201 ext. 54606.