Artificial Intelligence means different things to different people. In this context ‘Artificial Intelligence’ is the use of natural language processing, allowing the virtual agent Harper to understand the comments you type within the webchat. Once Harper has decided the meaning of your text, it will follow a standard set of questions, laid out by the Trust, giving you responses that have been written by the Trust.
Therefore, the Artificial Intelligence being used is focused on understanding the language people use and is not being used to decide the care you should receive.
We are introducing a new function to the NELFT website to help people to get answers to simple queries about their care. You may have already seen a virtual agent in action when buying something online. It is when a box pops up asking if you need help or if you need to speak to a member of sales staff. Our virtual agent will work in exactly the same way. You will be able to carry out a number of actions on the website. You will be able to confirm your appointment, cancel it or reschedule it.
No. The virtual agent is not designed for use in emergency situations. It is for general changes and actions relating to the management of your appointments and information. In an crisis or emergency situation, you should contact your health care professional or call 111 for help and advice, or 999 in an emergency only.
Yes, messages are secured and encoded end-to-end. The message will be converted from one system of communication to another. As with all such services, the Trust and its suppliers take the utmost care to ensure full security and data protection measures are in place. It is always important to lock your device when it is not is use. Otherwise, anyone could access your phone, tablet, laptop or desktop and see your information. Making sure you have a password or passcode that only you know means that even if you lose your electronic device, your information is safe.
You will need to provide key information about yourself when asking for information on your patient record. This is a standard security requirement even if you are on Trust premises. The virtual agent will ask you for either of the following:
Your NHS Number and date of birth or
First name, surname, date of birth and postcode
We hope this will give people more control over checking/changing appointments, requesting letters, etc. It will make better use of your time and be quicker than waiting for the service phone to be answered, waiting in a phone queue or hearing the engaged tone. It means you can complete the change or make your enquiry quickly, and then get on with your day.
Initially Harper is being trialled with the following two services:
You can message the text-based virtual agent to view and ask questions about any upcoming appointments along with requesting an appointment cancellation or reschedule.
Harper has been introuduced to improve your experience when managing appointments and help assist in rescheduling any bookings you are unable to attend, while providing an easier way to remind you of future booked appointments.
You can speak to Harper on both of the service's pages above, by clicking on the pink button in the bottom right which says 'Chat now'.