The NELFT Chaplaincy and Spiritual Care team offer spiritual, religious and pastoral care to patients, service users, carers and staff, and provides advice, training and guidance to staff on matters to do with spirituality, religion and culture. The team work generically providing support for people of all faiths and none.
Each inpatient unit, both mental health and community rehabilitation, has its own chaplain who visits regularly, and the team is managed by the Spiritual Care/Chaplaincy Team Lead from their base at the Chaplaincy office in the old building at Goodmayes.
The Team are also involved with Trust leadership by attending the Equality & Diversity, Staff Wellbeing and Staff Disability Networks, and they present a session at every staff induction day.
The small team is supplemented by a group of volunteer chaplains who aim to represent all of the main faiths, and all queries can be made via the Chaplaincy office telephone line 0300 555 1077 , or the generic email address chaplaincy@nelft.nhs.uk.