eBooking via Swiftqueue is the recommended method for accessing the service.
Please note: The walk in service is currently restricted in all clinics, to ensure confirmed blood test booking please ensure you book online. If you are unable to use the swiftqueue system please call the Single Point of Access team on 0300 300 1710 who will be able to book an appointment for you.
Langthorne Health Centre
13 Langthorne Road
London E11 4HX
Opening times: Monday to Friday, 8:15am – 12:30pm & 1:15pm - 5:30pm
Silverthorn Medical Centre
2 Friars Close
London E4 6UN
Opening times: Monday to Friday, 8:15am – 12:30pm & 1:15pm – 4.00pm
Comely Bank Clinic
1st Floor
46 Ravenswood Road
E17 8LY
Opening times: Monday to Friday, 8:15am – 12:30pm & 1:15pm – 5.00pm
Domiciliary phlebotomy will be provided to those who are confined to their homes due to illness, in care homes (with no nursing facilities) and or disability or learning disability with challenging behaviour and/non-urgent patient transport service to attend hospital appointments.
Referrals to the domiciliary phlebotomy service will be made via secure mail on the WF Adult SPA referral form to the WF Adult Single point of Access (SPA). Domiciliary referralswill be responded to within 2 days. Where the referral is urgent the phlebotomist shall attend to the patient within 4 days and for routine referrals within 2-3 weeks.
The service will be provided to all patients who present a blood test request form.
Core opening hours: 8.00am – 5.30pm
Email: wfadultchsreferrals@nelft.nhs.uk
Telephone: 0300 300 1710
Please see right of the page for the referral form.
For blood test appointments for children under 12-months-old, please book the appointment directly with the paediatric team on the Medical Day Unit, Acorn ward, Whipps Cross Hospital by calling 07546 655 797.
Blood tests for children under 10 years old need to be booked at Whipps Cross Hospital, You can book online here: Online Appointment Healthcare Platform | Swiftqueue or call: 07546 655 797 or 0208 539 5522 to arrange an appointment.
Please do not call these numbers to book adult blood tests.
The service provides routine and urgent community and domiciliary phlebotomy services to people living in Waltham Forest
Registering as a patient - VO from Swiftqueue on Vimeo.
Patient Portal Overview - VO from Swiftqueue on Vimeo.
Viewing appointments - VO from Swiftqueue on Vimeo.
Booking an appointment - VO from Swiftqueue on Vimeo.
Rescheduling - VO from Swiftqueue on Vimeo.
Cancelling an appointment - VO from Swiftqueue on Vimeo.
Managing Family Members - VO from Swiftqueue on Vimeo.
Reset-Edit-Password - VO from Swiftqueue on Vimeo.