Stage ward is an older adult acute mental health service that cares for men, who are deemed to be frail and usually aged over 65 over, although younger adults may be admitted when appropriate, typically with early onset dementia. The service works with people who have either organic or functional mental health problems, which are complex enough to require a period on inpatient treatment. Functional mental illness describes conditions of acute psychiatric illness such as depression, anxiety or psychosis. Organic mental illness mostly describes dementia as well as other conditions which result from brain injury. Some may also be frail and have other medical conditions.
We also provide:
Each ward team consists of medical and nursing staff along with occupational therapists and physiotherapists and psychologists.
Sunflowers Court mental health inpatient unit
Goodmayes Hospital site
157 Barley Lane
Lead: Afolohade Okunowo
Tel: 0300 555 1200
Fax: 0844 931 0151
Opening times: 24 hours
Please email - nem-tr.stageward@nhs.net. Referrals are managed by relevant home treatment team. No direct referrals. Please refer to the For clinicians page for more information.