The residential and green belt character of the local area have been key considerations when considering the scale and massing of the proposed design. We think it responds positively to the surrounding housing, whilst providing a recognisable public building, which will feel accessible and welcoming to the local community. The proposed height is three-storeys along the southern boundary, stepping down to two storeys near the houses and gardens along Hacton Drive to the north.
The Hub has been carefully positioned to avoid overlooking neighbouring properties. The proposed set-backs also reduce the perceived height of the building whilst also allowing daylight and sunlight to penetrate the new building. Design studies have been undertaken to ensure that the key internal and external spaces, and the neighbouring properties are not overshadowed.
Drawing shows sections across the site, relationship of the building with and distances to neighbouring residential properties.
The Hub has been carefully positioned to avoid overlooking neighbouring properties.
Image shows the distances to neighbouring residential properties
The proposed set-backs also reduce the perceived height of the building whilst also allowing daylight and sunlight to penetrate the new building. Design studies have been undertaken to ensure that the key internal and external spaces, and the neighbouring properties are not overshadowed.