This website provides a single system to aid in applying for the permissions and approvals required for your research. It is an essential step in making your application for research study approval and will also help you to meet regulatory and governance requirements.
This website provides more information about the Good Clinical Practice training as well as how to register and where the training is taking place.
All documentation on current DOH research guidelines and NSF & NICE guidelines.
The NIHR Clinical Research Network: North Thames helps to increase the opportunities for patients to take part in clinical research, ensures that studies are carried out efficiently, and supports the Government’s Strategy for UK Life Sciences by improving the environment for commercial contract clinical research in the NHS in the North Thames area.
NELFT’s Aubrey Keep Library stock books on research methods and facilitates access to journals via Athens accounts. Click here for more information on the Library.
RADAR is a research programme led by Dr Joanna Moncrieff and funded by the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) that aims to provide new evidence on the effects of a gradual programme of antipsychotic reduction and discontinuation in people with long-term schizophrenia and similar conditions. This will support patients and clinicians to make better informed choices about long-term medication.