As a researcher wishing to conduct research at NELFT you will need to seek permission via HRA Approval. (http://www.hra.nhs.uk/research-community/applying-for-approvals/)
Ethics Approval
Research may or may not require Research Ethics Committee (REC) approval depending upon the study design. To assist you with identifying whether you need to obtain REC approval you can use the HRA Decision Making Tool. (http://www.hra-decisiontools.org.uk/ethics/)
Additionally the HRA website provides details on the current processes for gaining NHS permissions, Participant Identification Centres (PICs) approvals, amendment approval and information on how to add new sites.
To commence your application to the HRA you will need to complete and submit an IRAS form. (https://www.myresearchproject.org.uk/)
Should you need further assistance as to what permissions you need to conduct your research here at the Trust please contact a member of our R&D core team. Please refer to our contacts section to identify whom to contact for your particular enquiry.