NHS England Workforce, Training and Education (formerly Health Education England - HEE) has funded 16 Primary Care Knowledge Specialist roles to work with Training Hubs to support colleagues in Primary Care Networks (PCNs) in their evidence-based practice, ongoing education, and professional development. North East London’s Primary Care Knowledge Specialist role is hosted by NELFT Library & Knowledge Service.
This hub connects you to a range of high quality sources, all in one place. Access journals, e-books, BMJ Best Practice and Databases (Medline, EMBASE and CINHAL).
BMJ Best Practice is a clinical decision support tool which provides healthcare professionals with access to the latest relevant clinical information when making diagnosis and treatment decisions.
Mobile App: You can access BMJ Best Practice on your mobile devices. Once you have accessed the BMJ Best Practice website, click ‘Create account’ for a personal account or ‘Log in’ if you already have one. You will need your account details to access the app. Access your App Store or Google Play store and search for ‘BMJ Best Practice’. Select the app and when prompted, use your BMJ Best Practice ‘account’ details to sign in and download the content.
The BNF and BNFC (British National Formulary for Children) provide UK healthcare professionals with authoritative, practical information on the selection and clinical use of medicines.
Mobile App: The NICE British National Formulary (BNF) app provides free, easy access to the latest prescribing information from the BNF. You can now access both adult and child BNF content from a single app. You can easily switch between BNF and BNFC content. You do not need an OpenAthens password to download the app. You do not need an Internet connection to use the new app.
Evidence based clinical skills and procedures related to essential aspects of patients care.
Use the BrowZine Library to find the journals to which you have access. Select the ‘Choose My Library’ icon. Find your Trust or type NHS England and you’re good to go. If you have any problems accessing e-journals, please contact Sherin Francis, Primary Care Knowledge Specialist.
The Maudsley Prescribing Guidelines in Psychiatry is the essential evidence-based handbook on the safe and effective prescribing of psychotropic agents.
Clinical search tool to retrieve information. Select ‘NHS England’ as your institution.
All NHS staff are eligible for an OpenAthens account. Login details identify you as an NHS staff member and enable you to access to resources subscribed by NHS/ HEE.
North East London Primary Care staff can visit NHS Libraires to borrow books and to use the library space.
NELFT’s Medical Education, Library & Knowledge Services, NEL Training Hub and North East London Primary Care Knowledge Specialist welcomed colleagues from across the NEL system to the first North East London Evidence, Innovations, and Connections Conference at City Gates, Ilford on 26 of September. Despite a few absences due to illness, NEL Evidence23 was a resounding success.
This conference was extremely important to the NEL Primary Care Knowledge Specialist service as it was formed with the fund received from NHS England Workforce, Training and Education, formerly Health Education England to bridge the gap in delivering library and knowledge services in North East London primary care and ICB. The conference was a timely opportunity to bring together health and care professionals, researchers, and policymakers to discuss and promote evidence-based practices and mobilising knowledge for future collaborations within North East London, especially in the primary care setting.
Consultation with the potential attendees from North East London health and care sectors via a pre-conference survey back in the Spring yielded suggested topics to be included in the conference. This not only helped the team to capture the information needs but also to plan the conference topics and speakers.
The conference featured a keynote address by Sue Lacey Bryant, Chief Knowledge Officer from NHS England shared the importance of using high-quality evidence to ensure effective and efficient clinical and managerial decision-making. In this keynote address, Sue emphasised that Knowledge Specialists can be key actors within learning health systems. She concluded her speech by reminding the attendees that knowledge-sharing tools are key to developing a Learning Health System in North East London.
With a stacked agenda, the attendees enjoyed talks on ‘evidence, innovation and connections’ themed topics and panel discussions. To learn more about the topics, please click on the respective topics to access the slides.
The NEL Evidence23 conference provided a valuable opportunity for the attendees to learn from experts, and network with other professionals who were passionate about using evidence to make a difference in their field. Scroll through #NELEvidence23 on X (previously Twitter) for a recap of the day .
The NEL Evidence, Innovations, and Connections Conference was funded and organised by NELFT Medical Education. The Team would like to thank Paul Olaitan from BHR CEPN, Loraine Thompson from NELFT Medical Education, and the sponsor Sage Publications.
NEL Primary Care Knowledge Service offers a free evidence search service to Primary Care and ICB staff in North East London. This service provides expert searches to inform patient care, projects, clinical teaching, service management, and CPD. To use this service, go to: KnowledgeShare https://knowledgeshare.nhs.uk via your NHS OpenAthens. Go to ‘Evidence’→ ‘Request an Evidence Search’
You can find out how our work impacted business in NELFT and the wider local health economy.
We all need to keep up to date as part of our continuing professional development (CPD). The NEPCKS team can help with:
We can email you the table of contents of articles published in the latest issues of your favourite journals. To request e-TOCs for your favourite journals email nelpcks@nelft.nhs.uk
KnowledgeShare is our targeted current awareness service. Whenever we find high impact documents in your area, we’ll let you know. KnowledgeShare contains summarised evidence; you will not be inundated with primary research articles. We give you the latest high-level evidence in your field. To sign up for KnowledgeShare alerts, please log in to KnowledgeShare using your OpenAthens account or email nelpcks@nelft.nhs.uk
If you require a book or journal article that is not available in our collection or online, we can obtain it for you from other sources, including: British Library. To request an article please email the article reference/citation to the NELPCKS team. The citation should include: Article title, journal title, name(s) of author(s), Journal volume, issue and page numbers. This free service is available to Primary Care and ICB staff in North East London.
Free online training sessions are available for Primary Care staff, ICB, and students on placement in North East London to search online information resources effectively, and to critically appraise healthcare literature.
These sessions will take place via Microsoft Teams. One-to-one or a customised session is available on request. Contact us to request a training on a date and time you chose. For more information and to reserve a place, email - nelpcks@nelft.nhs.uk
Sherin Francis is the Primary Care Knowledge Specialist for North East London region. If you have any questions or comments, you can get in touch with Sherin. Her contact details are below:
Tel: 07976 737 316
Email: NELPCKS@nelft.nhs.uk
Twitter: @NELPCKS