The vision of NELFT is to provide a new Health & Wellbeing Hub that will provide integrated primary, community, mental health and Local Authority (LA) care services on a single site,
which local people can connect with and feels part of the community, and which in turn serves the community; and also is:
We also want to ensure the spaces can flex and adapt to the shifting needs of the user population and is responsive to health and social care provision needs.
We aim to provide GP services to residents living within a two-mile radius and a range of community and specialist services.
The Hub will serve the local area for some GP services, the south of Havering for mental health and community services, and the whole of Havering with specialist services. There will also be a small proportion of residents from the east of Barking & Dagenham and from south west Essex accessing specialist services.
The vision that evolved from the healthcare strategy scoping the services of the Health & Wellbeing Hub
We have undertaken consultation with the Council’s Planning, Design and Highways Officers, presented to their Design Quality Review Panel and Strategic Planning Committee. The consultation process will continue until submission of a planning application. We are now seeking the views of the local community on the proposed design.
There will be a separate consultation on healthcare services to be delivered at the new Health and Wellbeing Hub.