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What Matters To You? More Good Days At Work enhancing work life

Last year, the Trust Board recognised the importance of staff wellbeing, making it a strategic priority, to be supported by the Quality Improvement (QI) team.  

The More Good Days at Work (MGDAW) QI collaborative is looking to address this, using an adapted breakt hrough series model to create a learning system for our teams. Ashl ey Green a way, a senior Physiotherapist in Havering , shares his team's involvement in this collaborative and how it has transformed their work environment with impactful, small changes .  

Thanks to MGDAW, the team enjoys dedicated time and space to brainstorm, predict, test and measure change ideas. By focusing on what truly matters to team members , the team has implemented meaningful changes that enhance everyone’s daily work life. The “What Matters To You” session, facilitated by the QI team, was pivotal. It helped the team pinpoint what makes a good workday, identify obstacles and decide on priorities.  

The team is currently testing a new initiative: a mindfulness session led by a psychotherapist every Wednesday. The impact of this change is measured weekly, with team members providing feedback on their experiences . Initially, gathering feedback was a challenge, however the team is now more engaged with changes being implemented, increasing weekly feedback response rate from 30% to 70% .  

Ashley reflects:

As a busy service, we are fortunate to be able to spend 20-30 minutes  at team meetings reviewing patient feedback. While this always guides our care delivery, it’s equally important to focus on what matters to our team and our values. This way, we can deliver the best possible care for our s ervice users and improve outcomes.

The team is thrilled to be a part of this collaborative and immensely grateful for support and prompt responses from the collaborative leads. We look forward to seeing the positive outcomes this c ollaborative will bring to the team and improve their experience so they can continue to have better days at work, even after the completion of this collaborative .  

If you or your team would like to get involved in this collaborative, find out more on how to apply on NELFT Connect.

Team photo:

Billericay Team Photo

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