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Quality Improvement Facilitator Programme Graduation

This week, we celebrated the fantastic projects undertaken by our recent graduates from the Quality Improvement (QI) Facilitator Programme. This interactive training uses a mixture of learning styles including activities, theory and ‘learning sets’ to help individuals in leading their own project.

The quality of the projects was exceptional, showcasing the remarkable hard work, dedication, and progress the graduates achieved throughout this journey. Since January 24th, through five intensive training days, one valuable practice session, and countless shared moments, they demonstrated a commitment to learning, growth, and quality improvement that has inspired us all.

View project posters here:

  1. Amanda Heath - To reduce by 80% the number of NELFT transformation staff reporting feeling isolated in their job roles
  2. Claire Dunn - Improving engagement in MHST interventions for boys
  3. Deiann Anderson - Improving Engagement of Involvement Representatives in all staff interviews
  4. Fahima Khanom - To increase the number of referrals for Mat&Gynae Psychology Service
  5. Jagdish Nandra - To improve actualisation of appointments by 5% within the Integrated Therapies Team
  6. Kudakwashe Sakatira - To reduce the number of Days patient spend in the Redbridge Home Treatment Team from admission to discharge
  7. Lorna Marshall - Reduce Wait time at Pulmonary rehabilitation Team from referral to Triage to wait list to 30 days or Less
  8. Lyn English - Reducing the amount of clinical time spent on documentation
  9. Mina and Sharon - Increasing Attendance at Support Clinics
  10. Nickie Glaze - To reduce the number of Phlebotomy domiciliary visits not completed
  11. Philip Chow - Number of days on A&C pathway from assessment to discharge in Waltham Forest Children's OT service
  12. Rhi Baker - To reduce time taken to access triage supervision in Talking Therapies by 10%
  13. Sam O'Sullivan - Increasing referrals for support for Diabetes-related distress into Talking Therapies LTC pathway
  14. Suhasini Jadoo - Care plan distribution to be completed on RIO
  15. Tony Mhizha - To reduce bank and agency spend on Cook Ward by 50%
  16. Vincent Mathew - To reduce the number of patients per week who are not being seen at their appointment time by 50%

View more QI projects, categorised by the area of improvement being addressed here.

We are also running another cohort of this programme in January 2025, and applications are now open. If you'd like to start your own QI project, click here to find out more.

Some photos from the day:

QI Facilitator GradQI Facilitator Grad

QI Facilitator Grad

QI Facilitator Grad

QI Facilitator Grad

QI Facilitator Grad

QI Facilitator Grad

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