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Quality Improvement Facilitator Graduation

 On the 20th of March 2024 the Quality Improvement Service were privileged to host and celebrate the project work undertaken by our fabulous graduates who had just completed Cohort 16 of the QI Facilitators Programme. This is a 9-month programme of learning whilst attendees carried out a quality improvement project within their services.  Each attendee had their own allocated QI Coach to support them through the process of a quality improvement project.

Photo of graduation


The quality of the improvement projects was of a particularly high standard and we were very pleased to welcome Chris Tuckett, Clinical Director of AHPs and Service Managers who attended both virtually and in person. View the project posters here:


View more quality improvement project posters and presentations, categorised by the area of improvement being addressed here: https://www.nelft.nhs.uk/qis-projects-sharing-and-learning

The Quality Improvement Team will be running another Cohort of this programme in June 2024:


For further information regarding the Quality Improvement Services please visit: https://www.nelft.nhs.uk/qis


Well done Cohort 16!

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