What is Quality Improvement?
Quality improvement (QI) is about giving the people closest to issues affecting care quality the time, permission, skills and resources they need to solve them. It involves a systematic and coordinated approach to solving a problem using specific methods and tools with the aim of bringing about measurable improvement.
How can we help?
At Quality Improvement Services (QIS), we offer training, advice and coaching with all things clinical audit and quality improvement. We actively support and work alongside staff to develop their improvement ideas using improvement science methodology (Model for Improvement) for quality improvement, and clinical audit methodology for improving quality.
Bespoke Foundation Training
We offer Bespoke Foundation Day training, an opportunity to learn about QI methodology and framing the day around an issue you believe needs improving in your area. Here are some things you can expect to gain from our Bespoke session:
Define Quality & Quality Improvement;
Use of the Model for Improvement
Identifying the problem (baseline data; measures; process mapping, stakeholder mapping and co-production including users of services as well as healthcare staff)
Developing your SMART aim
Understanding common QI tools (driver diagrams; stakeholders/project team engagement)
Measuring your progress and impact using data and charts in QI (including LifeQI platform)
PDSA cycles; scale up & spread
Have you or your team got a service issue you need assistance with? Contact us at QI@nelft.nhs.uk and we can deliver a bespoke event at your location.
For further support and resources, please check out our QI Handbook, which can be found here: Support/Resources | NELFT NHS Foundation Trust along with other support and resources.