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QIS Sharing & Learning Event: Monday 15th May 2023



The NELFT Quality Improvement Services are excited to announce their 2023 Sharing and Learning Event: Improving Quality and Quality Improvement within NELFT (Monday 15th May 2023) will provide an excellent opportunity for networking, sharing and learning on how we can work with you all in supporting continuous improvement and prioritising quality within NELFT.  

Read below to find out:

About the event: 

This event is open to all NELFT staff. During this event we will be:  

  • sharing and learning from our approach to improving quality and quality improvement; 

  • celebrating success and focusing on the opportunity and motivation for users of service, staff, and teams to prioritise quality; 

  • and discussing opportunities to work together and collaborate with NELFT central teams who contribute to or have quality in their remit. 



1. Morning (9:30am-12:30pm) Sharing & Learning: sessions include: 

  • Hosted by Dr Stephen O'Connor (Associate Medical Director for Quality Improvement) and Mirek Skrypak (Director of Quality Improvement) 

  • Key speakers include: Eileen Taylor (NELFT Trust Chair), Wellington Makala (Executive Chief Nursing Officer & AHP), and Caroline Allum (Executive Medical Director)  

  • Presentations from influential clinical audit and quality improvement projects within the trust with awards presented 

2. Afternoon (1:30-3:00pm) Creating the conditions for a quality management system to thrive: sessions include: 

  • Profession specific panel discussions 

  • Summarising and next steps forward 

Storyboards presenting clinical audit and quality improvement work will be on display throughout the day, as well as stands from other teams in the improvement and quality fields within NELFT. All NELFT staff are invited to view these throughout the day, regardless of if they are able to attend the entire event. 


Book your free space today:

Tickets are limited so we'd advice securing your space as soon as possible. If you aren't able to book a space, or would like to be added to a wait list please email qi@nelft.nhs.uk QIS Learning Event: Improving Quality and Quality Improvement at NELFT Tickets, Mon 15 May 2023 at 09:30 | Eventbrite  .

Please note that this event is only open to NELFT staff.


Invite to present your quality improvement and clinical audit work:

As part of this we are hoping to share clinical audits and quality improvement projects have been taking place within NELFT over the last year or so, both to celebrate success and share learnings. 

There will be two opportunities for these to be shared within the conference: 

  1. The first being as part of a story board round.  

  2. The second: from these we will be nominating three clinical audits and three quality improvement projects for an award. These six projects will be presented as short five-minute presentations in the first session of the day in front of our exec team, key speakers and the wider NELFT workforce. 

All audits/projects from both the story board rounds and the awards will be shared across various platforms within NELFT so that the wider NELFT workforce can benefit from them, rather than limiting access to those attending the event. 


Why take part? 

  • We believe that this event will not only benefit the wider NELFT staff through being able to learn from your successes, but it will also give your team(s) the recognition and celebration you much deserve for your hard work. 

  • We will also be nominating all successful submissions to the conference for a Make a Difference Award to further recognise and celebrate the hard work. 


Next steps: 


Looking forward to having you join a fantastic day of learning from, sharing, and celebrating success within NELFT. 

NELFT Quality Improvement Services  


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