Membership is available to all members of staff employed by and seconded to NELFT, students on placement at NELFT and staff of and external organisations who subscribe to our services (currently the public health teams in Barking & Dagenham, Havering, Newham, Redbridge and Waltham Forest, Thurrock, and Suffolk).
To borrow books, games and devices register at Register › London Health Libraries catalogue - select “CEME Library” as your home library. Once you have registered you can search our catalogue at NELFT Library catalogue
For access to online resources register for an NHS OpenAthens account at OpenAthens | Registration – if you have an OpenAthens account and have forgotten your password reset it at OpenAthens | password reset . Once you have registered you can access your OpenAthens protected resources at OpenAthens | Hub
To subscribe to our monthly newsletter at subscribe to the NELFT LKS newsletter. Our monthly newsletter is distributed via MailChimp, read the Mailchimp privacy policy
Please find our user charter, regulations, and standards of service to the right of this page. By registering with us, you agree to abide by the user charter and regulations.
The standards of service outline our response times for different service requests. We monitor our compliance with advertised standards of service for the Quality and Improvement Outcomes Framework (QIOF), part of the wider quality framework for NHS organisations in receipt of funding through the NHS Education Contract.
NELFT LKS is part of the London Health Libraries Koha Consortium read the privacy notice
Access to most of our electronic resources is via OpenAthens, read the OpenAthens privacy policy.
We use KnowledgeShare to manage evidence search requests and provide current awareness services, read the KnowledgeShare privacy policy.