Enhanced Integrated Crisis Assessment Hub

The Enhanced Integrated Crisis Assessment Hub offers a safe and welcoming space for residents to access support and professional help when they are in mental health crisis.

The Hub is a 24/7 therapeutic space where a range of staff support crisis resolution and access to other pathways for those who need additional support.

NELFT residents over the age of 18 can access the hub by calling, walking in, and referrals from other teams who work in primary care or community services.

The core purpose of the Hub is to provide an emergency department diversion for those with urgent mental health needs that do not require acute medical intervention.

It is the Hub for all mental health activity generated by the three local emergency departments at King George Hospital, Queens Hospital and Whipps Cross Hospital and will be aligned with the relevant psychiatric liaison teams. The combined service provides all out of hours liaison activity across the three acute trusts.

As part of its remit it also operates as a ‘walk-in’ emergency assessment service for anyone who may be experiencing a mental health crisis. This service extends to receiving direct referrals from the London Ambulance Service and local police.

Location and contact information

Address: Block 8, North East London Foundation Trust, Goodmayes Hospital, Sunflowers Court, Barley Lane, Ilford, Essex, IG3 8XJ.

Email: Ica-hub@nelft.nhs.uk

Tel: 0300 555 1000


How to refer to the Enhanced Integrated Crisis Assessment Hub.

Referrals to the ICAH hub may come via our local Mental Health and Wellness Teams, the 24/7 crisis line (Mental Health Direct – MHD), 111 Press 2, Street Triage as well as Psychiatric Liaison services (PLS) at the local Acute Hospitals.

Referrals are also received via walk-ins, the police (informally) and the London Ambulance service (LAS).