Our team provides support for people over 18 years of age with dementia/cognitive impairment (resulting from dementia) and their carers or care providers to manage a period of crisis and avoid possible admission to hospital where possible. Team members include psychiatrists, RMN’s, RGN’s and support workers. We are a short term (up to 6 weeks) team to support the person/s through the period of crisis and refer on to appropriate long term teams or back to their main care provider, e.g. GP, care home, CMHT or social care.
We cover Brentwood, Basildon and Thurrock areas.
Tel: Monday to Friday: 0300 300 1509 (Basildon, Brentwood and Thurrock)
Tel: Saturday to Sunday and bank holidays: 0300 300 1509 (Basildon, Brentwood and Thurrock)
Opening times: Monday to Friday: 9am-7pm; Saturday, Sunday and bank holidays: 9am-5pm
Email: DCST@nelft.nhs.uk (emails will only be looked at 9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday)