Redbridge CAMHS
Redbridge CAMHS service is an area based specialist mental health team providing support to children, young people and their families. Our service is available to families with children and young people from birth to their 18th birthday. Our service offers help to children and young people who are experiencing emotional, behavioural or mental health difficulties.
The types of difficulties we see can include:
- Depression and anxiety disorders
- Obsessive-Compulsive-Disorder (OCD)
- Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) (psychological problems following trauma)
- Severe attachment, emotional and behavioural disorders
- Eating disorders
- Self-harm
- Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
- Autistic Spectrum Disorders (ASD)
- We offer specialist assessments for young people experiencing emotional and behavioural difficulties as well as various specialist assessments in parent and child mental health and neurodevelopmental disorders such as ADHD and Autism.
Support is offered in a variety of settings such as specialist community clinics, home visits, school visits and support to hospital Childrens wards and A&E departments. This is offered in a variety of ways, in the main this takes the form of face to face talking therapies with CAMHS professionals. Group work is also offered. We work in partnership and consultation with other agencies such as education, social services and primary care (GP’s etc).
During a child or young person’s development, there may be periods when they or their family’s ability to cope with difficult emotions or behavior can put extreme pressures on relationships. We want to work with children and young people as early on as possible during these difficulties in order to turn the situation around.